We believe that Nativity BVM School is a school where children can grow in mind, body and soul. As a Catholic school, prayer and one’s relationship with God is so very important.
A school theme provides a framework for the expression of our Catholic faith in our school and home life. The theme is displayed in various places throughout the school, is incorporated into times of prayer and is expressed in song and in art work.
Each morning, children and faculty/staff join in prayer. A Scripture reading for the day and a reflection are shared, followed by intercessory prayer for the world, our nation and for those we care about. Our prayer always concludes with the intention: “For those who are so good to us and so good to our school.” A concluding prayer is prayed, as a school, at the end of the school day.
Classroom teachers pray with their students at various times during the day and prayer is incorporated into daily religion classes.
Liturgy (Mass) is celebrated several times a month in the school gym. Children are actively involved in preparing the room for prayer and in reading, leading the singing and assisting at the celebration. Older students sit with younger students as a way to model and mentor prayerful behavior.
Prayer services are prepared by students and teachers at various times of the year including a celebration for first responders and city workers (on or near August 29th), blessing of pets (on or near October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi), Thanksgiving, celebration of peace, and Stations of the Cross.
Opportunities for private prayer are encouraged as well. A room set aside as a chapel/prayer room is located on the second floor of the school. Several outdoor shrines or places of prayer (Grotto in honor of Mary and the St. Francis/St. Theresa prayer garden) encourage children and adults to stop and take a moment to recognize God’s presence and to speak a prayer from their heart.
Our Catholic faith is also nurtured and developed through acts of kindness and service. Not only are children encouraged to help out within the school but they are involved in outreach to the parishes and local community. Food collections for St. Vincent de Paul, winter comfort items for the homeless shelters, cards and gifts for elderly and homebound are some of the ways in which students help locally. At times, collections have also been made for deployed members of the military, missionaries in Haiti or South America and for outreach to refugees who migrated to reach.